Thursday, September 04, 2008

What I think about Sarah Palin

It is really pretty cut and dry for me.

When you have a 5 month old and you have enough money to ensure that you can be there for your baby, you should be.

And if that means turning down the veep slot, then so be it.

I left a lot of things undone to be there with my kids.

Its the one issue on which I am apparently more conservative than the conservatives. And I am sure its considered appallingly anti woman by the more liberal people I know.

Mothers of infants belong with their babies. God's design for motherhood couldn't be more apparent in our biology.

The oft heard "What if they don't want to be home with their babies?" line confuses me. Why would you want to be anywhere else? What could possibly be more enthralling than the small person you have been entrusted with?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe her dh could stay home instead? ;)