Saturday, July 26, 2008


I guess the recipe for this is

1 part constant confusion
1 part overwhelming adoration
1 part self loathing
and finally,
3 parts abject humiliation at the hands of children who can not behave.

Im not an attention seeker. I don't understand what drives my oldest child to constantly seek to shock and annoy. Tonight's irritation brought to you courtesy of eleventy hundred mentions of R rated movies, the word "sucks", and episodes of burping while visiting at the home of a very catholic coworker of the husband's.

But what will really lay me low ever single time is when the good one is bad. After a week of day camp and a night of camping out it was probably eminently predictable that my easy going kid with the competitive nature wouldnt handle a night out til 9 and a kickball game. So why WHY didnt I predict it and make sure we left on a high note? Instead, we left after a kickball game with a irate 8 yo who had nearly decapitated his brother in a white hot rage.

In other irritating news, every time I sit down the cat expects me to play with him. He shows his desire for my company by gently biting my back fat. Or leg fat. Or arm fat. Whatever he can latch onto. Any area he picks is sure to be delicious. Like KFC only without the crunch.

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