Saturday, February 02, 2008

What a load of scrap

I was out last night scrapping with the girls. My friend runs the thing and we sit around in her church and fill our scrap books and chit chat. Its weird as hell for me because I am Catholic and we don't ever sit around in our Sanctuary and do anything like scrapbooking bc Jesus is there and we can't make jokes about our husbands and stiff necks from raucous married sex. I am sure Jesus is in the Protestant church too but what with not having a Tabernacle holding His body it seems less of an issue.

Two women I do not know well were there last night. One from Texas and one from Alabama. We had a bit of an argument. I mean, as much of an argument as generally decent people who scrapbook can have.

Both apparently southern women discussed how they felt Indiana was difficult to get used to. I moved here from Cincinnati in 04, moved away to NJ in 06 and moved back last fall so I thought I had a unique perspective on this. The women insisted people here were rude! I argued its really not that bad and suggested they move to the east coast for some perspective.

They again put forth the notion that Southerners are all friendly and charming.

I said "Yeah, but its all FAKE."

"No its not!" "You aren't from the south!"

"I was born and raised in Virginia."

"That's not the south."


Virginia? Home state of the capital of the Confederate States of America is now NOT the SOUTH?



I loathe the notion that people in the south are somehow friendlier, more loving, more deeply caring about their neighbor than people of other regions. What a bunch of malarkey that is.

I give you exhibit A

I lived in that town for awhile in the late 80s. That poor man's body was a spectacle all the older people remembered well. They didnt save the body for his family. Those people were too cheap to give him a decent burial. They called him Spaghetti because he was EYE talian and they were all scotts irish and deeply suspicious of catholics and Eye talians.

1 comment:

Jen said...

You are so funny, and I love your title. I'm glad to hear you are getting snippy with the nice ladies at church scrapbooking sessions. That's the girl I know.