Monday, February 04, 2008

Another Wonderful Day!

Awoke at 7:30 to Brenna crying. She was complaining, even in her sleep!

Showered after pooping as I prefer to do but had to flush due to... well... you know. Flushing compromises quality of shower in this house.

Got Brenna ready for school and drove her there in the dense fog. No one was at school. Odd. Came home and checked computer to get the 411. Schools on 2 hour delay for dense fog. No school for Brenna (her whole school day is only 2.5 hours.)

Put 10 year old in time out for hitting and name calling. Wanted to put 7 year old in time out for tattling but have not yet made no tattling a rule punishable by time out. What have I been thinking?

Went ballistic when ten yoear old rationalized hitting and namecalling (because his brother is so annoying.)

Sent kids to rooms and took away their radios. Slung school bags after them and slammed doors.

Another auspicious start to a fabulous week!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Oh my! Let's blame our children's behavior today on the weather, or numerology.