Thursday, February 28, 2008

I never read this anywhere

but I think it plenty. Homeschooling puts way too much pressure on one human being.

Homeschoolers often claim the relationship is more important than the education. At this point, I dont think my relationship with my oldest is necessarily benefitting from our proximity. Neither of us kept our tempers today. Neither of us enjoyed each other today. I mean, we enjoyed reading time. But after that things went down hill.

No one ever mentions the bad days and I think a lot of that is for fear of being told off. Because they are afraid if they ever mention the nitty gritty that it will some how prove once and for all that homeschooling is not worthwhile.

On the other hand...

I dont have to worry about my kids being exposed to this charming individual and his depraved songs.


Suburban Correspondent said...

Honey, you are not hanging out with the right friends and I always talk about our bad days, etc. To outsiders, though,'s taboo. Because their first response to any and all complaints is, "Well, that's because they should be in school."

Check out my article at (Winter Doldrums)...

Jen said...

YES! I am soo impressed with you being able to keep it together. For me, it was freaking preschool and kindergarten, and it was still soooo hard. But I couldn't act like it, because then Jason would jump all over putting them in school. And I couldn't talk to anyone about it because either they think homeschooling is for nutbars, or they are super-Godly and that somehow prevents them from having difficulties with their children.

(I am still very very sad about giving up on this, as much as I am looking forward to unloading at least one kid in the fall.)

I will say that I have felt much more fond of Athena since I accepted the idea of her going to actual school in the fall. I love that the entire pressure of her whole future everything no longer rests totally on my shoulders.

(Still sad and depressed if I think about it though.)