Monday, July 14, 2008

To Grandfather's House He Go(es)

My oldest son is with my Dad in the cornfields of Illinois this week. This is the first time the two of them have spent an extended time alone together. Big A will be there until Thursday when I drive to Terre Haute to fetch his sorry hide back home. He may be there a lot longer if the week turns out as peaceful as I plan. I kid! No really. I will go get him. I will. I WILL.

Anyway, the two of them unsupervised could possibly get into a hell of a lot of trouble. Neither likes to eat healthy food. I'm guessing the diet which I find more or less acceptable for Al- ie protein rich breakfast, carb lunch, and meat and a healthy starch for dinner, vitamin to sub for all fruits and veg- will be augmented with a) candy b) soda (Please Lord, make my child's teeth impervious to harm, I know You can do this, In Jesus name...Amen) and c) bacon.

Besides eating garbage and running amok, the two of them are going to be practicing a little riflery.

I am terrified of guns. I am! I am! I hate them, squeak squeak squeak! What? You say that's not the sound guns make? no? Oh alright. I know. Mice make that noise. Its a line from Free to Be You and Me. And if I knew how to embed video I'd do so here, because that skit is on youtube!

Anyway, so they are shooting guns into some poor farmer's cornfield. Or wheat field. It could even be soy beans. Whatever. All I know is the crop better watch out. Because Big A the mighty hunter is surely one heck of a shot. With no depth perception and vision in only one eye, he can still actually hit a target! Hope he enjoys it. Because we aren't having any of that gun crap here.


Jen said...

You and I always manage to offload our A-holes (hee!) the same week.

Seriously, he has vision in only one eye? What? Did you let him shoot his eye out?

Mmm, bacon.

Luke Holzmann said...

In YouTube, off to the right of the video (where all the info is about this video) is a little area under the "About" text that says "Embed". Under that is a box that says something like: <object width="425" height="344"><param name="blah blah blah....

Copy that and then paste it into your post.

That should do it for you.

Hope that helps!


Sarah said...

LUKE! dont leave! I tried that one time and BLAM nothing happened. It was so disspiriting. Im going to try again. IF YOU DO NOT SEE that skit up here in the next 24 hrs I will need remedial youtube advice!