Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I just sent my kids outside

to clean out my car.

This is why it is very different when you have a child of 11 than if your children are 5 and under.

Other tasks my kids do and I no longer participate in:
unloading groceries
unloading the dishwasher

occassionally the do a little bit of laundry (switching from washer to dryer.)

I can see the end of the drudgery tunnel.

However,. in many ways drudgery is easier than the tasks that come with preteens.


Jen said...

I like drudgery. I see your point about the relative ease of drudgery. My dream job is bead-sorting.

I just want to drudge in peace without having to weigh the merits of one party's complaint (stolen play money) over another's (retaliatory smacking).

Jodie Allen said...

oh my gosh i can't wait until my kids can help with things instead of undoing what i just did all day!

there's hope!