Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I met the neighbor behind me

The one with 2 little girls who I have seen twice?

The one with girls, ages 4 and 6?

Yeah, she homeschools.

So why do they never go outside?

She asked me about church within the first ten seconds of conversation,.

and so I am assuming based on that that we wont be best buddies.

The word CATHOLIC has two possible affects- either it encourages them to try to convert me or it encourages them to stay away. Guess which approach I prefer?!


Jen said...


I find that most people who bring up homeschooling are religious, and/or assume it is done for religious reasons. Maybe she is normal and just assumed you were a nutjob.


We met (again) some across-the-street neighbors. The husband words for an abstinence education program. Jason is taking bets on how long until they try to convert us. I'm trying to keep an open mind.

Suburban Correspondent said...

We have a similar neighbor, nice, but homeschools her 2 little boys and keeps mostly to herself, away from the heathen. Also, she's quite shy.